Thèses et Dissertations
☆ Alexis, Yveline
Nationalism & the politics of historical memory : Charlemagne Peralte’s rebellion against U.S. occupation of Haiti, 1915-1986
Ph. D.
University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2011
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☆ Alvarez, Fausto B.
The effect of sociocultural factors on the quality of relations of the United States with Hispaniola : analysis of the American military occupation of Haiti and the Dominican Republic (1915-1934)
Texas A & M University, 1988
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☆ Bays, David S.
Relations of United States and Haiti 1915-1934
East Texas State Teachers College, 1940
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☆ Belony, Lyns-Virginie
Between pragmatism and the defence of a « Sister State » : the national association for the advancement of colored people and the U.S. occupation of Haiti, 1915-1922.
Université de Montréal (Faculté des arts et des sciences), 2015.
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☆ Blackwell, James Rollie
Organization and operation of the Gendarmerie d’Haiti and Garde d’Haiti during the military intervention in Haiti 1915-1934
University of Louisville, 1953.
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☆ Brissman, D’Arcy Morgan
Interpreting American hegemony : civil military relations during the U.S. Marine Corps’ occupation of Haiti, 1915-1934
Ph. D.
Duke University 2001
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☆ Chapin, John C.
The Marines’ role in the U.S. occupation of Haiti, 1915-1922.
George Washington University, 1967
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☆ Dufreine, Auguste
Le clergé catholique d’Haïti face à l’impérialisme américain, 1890-1915
Université du Québec à Montréal, 1994.
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☆ Hance, Harry Thomas
Civil-military relations : the organization and control of the constabulary force of the Republic of Haiti, 1915-1934
Ohio State University 1965
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☆ Koch, Arther Rodney
American periodical response to the Haitian occupation.
California State College, Fullerton, 1971
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☆ Legagneur, Lionel
Where dictators rule : the U.S. occupation of Haiti (1915-1934) and its effects upon dictatorial rule in Haiti
Amherst College 1997
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☆ Liston, Paul Floyd
Analysis of an international conflict situation : the United States intervention in Haiti, 1915
University of Utah (Dept. of Political Science), 1968
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☆ McCrocklin, Harriett Stroud
American intervention in Haiti, 1914-1934
Texas College of Arts and Industries, 1953.
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☆ Ménard, Nadève
The occupied novel : the representation of foreigners in Haitian novels written during the US occupation, 1915-1934
Ph. D.
University of Pennsylvania, 2002
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☆ November, Peter William
Unite with our brothers : the NAACP and the United States occupation of Haiti, 1915-1936
A.B., Honors in History
Harvard University 1993
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☆ Pascal, Daphney
Crisis in Haiti : the American occupation, 1915-1934
University of Georgia 2010
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☆ Petry, Marilyn
United States relations with Haiti during the occupation.
American University 1968.
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☆ Posner, Walter Harris
American occupation of Haiti : background and formative period, 1915-1922
Western State College of Colorado, 1948
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☆ Sanderfer, Selena Ronshaye
Education and skin tone : policies affecting the American occupation of Haiti, 1915-1934
Vanderbilt University, 2005.
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☆ Schmidt, Hans
The United States occupation of Haiti, 1915-1934.
Ph. D.
Rutgers University, 1968.
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☆ Schreadley, Richard Lee
Intervention : the Americans in Haiti, 1915-1934 …
Ph. D.
Tufts University 1972?
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☆ Spector, Robert Melvyn
W. Cameron Forbes and the Hoover Commissions to Haiti.
Ph. D
Boston University, 1961
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☆ Peter J Streng
Lessons learned from the Marine intervention in Haiti, 1915-1934
U.S. Army Command and General Staff College 1995
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Date de création: 22 juin 2003
Date de révision : 18 novembre 2021